Satanism is only Hypnosis
Satanism (though widespread in most countries) is forbidden by law in many states, therefore satanistic-invocations (just for example the kind of invocation shown on the art-image above here) are forbidden; and it is NONSENSE to get into this cult and cult-practices at all, because: satanism is HYPNOTISM (often applied in sneaky ways upon unaware clueless victims in combination with forbidden hallucinative illegal drugs or/and forbidden consciousness-influencing illicit drugs). –
Learn Hypnosis instead!
Recognizing that Satanism is a widespread inward-world psychic-culture in almost all social groups of societies, it is necessary to speak out against this mind-power-abuse that fills the medical offices of psychiatrists with patients.
Satanism at all and the Satanistic mind-matrix are too often turning out into the outward world as sadistic and mind-sickening cult-practices and as systemically-doing harm to people in the midst of our civilized world. – Free your SELF and learn hypnosis – all satanism is merely and only hypnotism.